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We believe that church planting is at the very heart of God. It is all over the book of Acts and has been the surest way to continue the life of the church from generation to generation. Every church at some point in its history was a church plant. At the same time we believe if we are to see a movement of God, we need to see multiplication happen at every level. The church will multiply if we do what God has commanded us. The bible says (Jesus speaking) I will build my church and the gates of hell will not prevail against it.

Multiplier 1


...planting churches is the heart of transformation, the world needs Jesus, and we want to help plant your church...


Stripe and Spheres


...sometimes churches decline, that doesn't mean they aren't good churches, but on occasion they get too small to be built up again. Fresh vision, energy, purpose and people are needed. Replanting isn't failure it is celebrating the old and stepping into the new...

Zebra Crossing

REVITALISATION a glass of water on a hot day, revitalisation is the renewing of the church; new ideas, a pioneer spirit, a church with history and a desire to keep going...



Please connect with us if-

  1. You just want to know more about how you can help transform the city.

  2. You are a church planter and/or someone who is called to be involved in a planting team.

  3. You are a church that is looking to plant or would like to offer help or resources.

  4. You are a mission agency or ministry organisation and want to partner.

Contact Transform


Engage West Midlands (GEM UK)
9th Floor Quayside Tower
252-260 Broad Street
B1 2HF

© 2020 EngageWM (GEM UK)

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