Across nearly every denomination and church network in the UK, church planting is increasingly on the agenda.
In autumn 2021 the National Church Planting Network (NCPN) Steering Group commissioned a preliminary piece of research on a national picture of church planting, to discern how they can best facilitate, support and develop a collaborative national initiative to see a significant growth of church planting in England. The scope of this research was individual Zoom interviews with 19 people who responded to the invitation in time for inclusion, each representing a national church planting strategy for their denomination/networks. The aim with this small initial sample was to include a range of church traditions and ethnicities.
Answers were then synthesized and analysed to draw out themes and areas for further reflection, on the following areas: (Full report downloadable below).
● Plans: strategy, history, metrics
For some an opportunity comes to light, for others it’s more strategic. Developing a culture of multiplication and planting is crucial – multiplying the gospel, disciples, leaders and churches. www.engageuk.org.uk/post/multiplication-in-the-book-of-acts
● Process: models and definition of church
There are a number of models – some are highlighted on our website: www.engageuk.org.uk/transform and www.engageuk.org.uk/planting
● Pounds: self-funding and scale of initial investment
How can churches build budgets that allow for or encourage multiplication? Whether for start up equipment and/or launching a team. Increasingly, Church planters are bi-vocational ‘tentmakers’. Can churches work together to sponsor church plant launches?
● Place: geographical focus/mapping
How can we increase our mapping of the city and understand the needs that impact where churches could be planted? www.engageuk.org.uk/post/datashine-visual-demographics-for-the-west-midlands-and-beyond
● People: demographic groups, identifying and training leaders
How do we connect with different ethnicities, groupings and demographics? The next generation across our city will need intercultural churches. How do we raise up such leaders? What training might they need? https://www.engageuk.org.uk/forge https://www.engageuk.org.uk/missionaltraining https://www.engageuk.org.uk/post/planting-an-intercultural-church
● Partnership: local research, ecumenical perspectives
Our recent Exponential Roundtable focussed on how we can work together to fulfil the 'Great Commission' and the 'Great Commandment'. www.engageuk.org.uk/post/healthy-habits-to-collaboration
Stories of church planting across the West Midlands here.
The full report with findings and quotes under each of these areas is available below: